Use the map below to find the various services offered in our community.
Highlight the top services here, with links to them in a list to match up with the content on this page. Using the double-arrows at the upper left of the map, you can search for the various services in St. Catharines by type, The pins on the base map indicate where services are located nearby.
Get Help if You Need It
If you or a loved one needs support, there are many programs and available resources. Here is a list of local resources in the Niagara area that anyone can access.
Your Mental Health Matters!
More information about COAST and "Session-at-a-Time" can be found here:
Additional programs, information, and referrals can be obtained by calling (toll-free) 2-1-1 from any phone or mobile device. Thank you to IN-Communities for helping to compile this list of resources.